URCS Alumnus Daniel Sabbah receives 2019 Hajim Distinguished Alumnus Award

URCS alumnus Daniel Sabbah received the 2019 Hajim Distinguished Alumnus Award at the Hajim School Diploma Ceremony. Sabbah received his masters and PhD degrees from the Department of Computer Science as an advisee of Professor Jerome A. Feldman (the founding chair of URCS, now a Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley). Sabbah is the former chief technology officer and general manager of the Next Generation Platform at IBM Corporation, where he was responsible for overhauling IBM’s direction for cloud computing and mobility into a coherent architecture and product portfolio. He is now the Principal Consultant at his consulting firm, DSabbah, LLC.
His advice to graduates was to not “go blindly forward in applying what you have learned . . . learn, refine, and apply, but also take into account societal impacts. Don’t blindly think that just because you have a great idea, it will be used that way.”