Joseph Izraelevitz receives Commendation in UR's Outstanding Dissertation Award competition
![Joseph (Joe) Izraelevitz](../../../../assets/images/2018-05-09_izraelevitz.png)
Joseph Izraelevitz, who defended his Ph.D. in December 2017, has received commendation in the University's Outstanding Dissertation Award competition. Joe’s research explores the impact of nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices, which are expected to replace DRAM in many applications over the coming decade.
Specifically, his dissertation, Concurrency Implications of Nonvolatile Byte-Addressable Memory, showed how to integrate persistence into existing models of concurrent programming, as a step toward faster databases for transaction processing, shorter checkpoints for high-performance computing, and a method for consistent computing on intermittently powered devices in the Internet of Things. Since January, 2018, Joe has been a postdoctoral researcher at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, Spain.