Professor Kautz named NSF Division Director for Division of Information and Intelligent Systems

Henry Kautz, the founding director of the Goergen Institute for Data Science at the University of Rochester, will direct the National Science Foundation (NSF) division that supports artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and data science.
“We at NSF are absolutely delighted to have Henry coming on board as division director of our Division of Information and Intelligent Systems,” says Jim Kurose, assistant director of NSF for computer and information science and engineering. “At this particularly important time for the field, it is critical to have a leader with such outstanding research accomplishments, deep insight, and tremendous national and international experience.”
“Artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and data science are changing the world in ways no one foresaw just a few years ago,” Kautz says. “I believe most of the changes are for the good, but we have seen that this kind of technology can also be used for unethical purposes. I hope and believe my work at NSF can help steer research toward enhancing the positive benefits of advanced computer technology.”