
Professor Liu named one of MIT Technology Review’s “35 Innovators Under 35 in China”

February 1, 2018
Prof. Ji Liu

Assistant Professor Ji Liu has been named to MIT Technology Review's list of "35 Innovators Under 35 in China" for his contributions to the fields of machine learning, optimization, and reinforcement learning. He and his group proposed and investitaged a series of brand-new  parallel frameworks including asynchronization and decentralization technologies to overcome the computation and communication bottleneck of traditional centralized synchronous parallel algorithms. The asynchronization technology has been widely used in modern deep / machine learning tools such as Tensorflow, CNTK, MXnet, Pytorch, etc. His work bridges optimization and reinforcement learning, providing fundamental understanding for the complexity of solving reinforcement learning, and winning the Facebook best student paper award in UAI 2015.

MIT Technology Review's "35 Innovators Under 35" recognized gifted young researchers whose research has the potential to be profoundly influential to the direction of their fields.

See press release here (Chinese only):