UG ACM Programming Team leaves for World Finals on Sunday
If you happen to see Ian Christopher, Dennis Huo or Xiaoqing (Sean) Tang diligently practicing for their upcoming trip to China for the ACM World Finals, wish them well. They have been simulating the 5 hour competition in each of their practices for weeks and working through problem sets from past competitions. Such dedication!!
They will arrive in Harbin China, where the weather is similar to Rochester right now, on Monday evening. Perhaps being used to cold weather is an advantage over their competitors? The competition isn't till Friday 2/5, so there are several days to overcome jet lag and see the wonders of the International Snow and Ice Festival, which will be in full swing while they are there.
Team Coach Prof. Daniel Stefankovic went to the World Finals as an undergraduate, so he can guide them through the process. This is the first time U of R has made it to the finals in this competition, and we're very proud of the team. President Joel Seligman recognized their accomplishments in November after they won the regional competition by giving each of them a UR Bee (a stuffed mascot). Hopefully the team will have time to take pictures with URBee and send them back to us while they see the sights of China.
There will be a welcome back party on Thursday, Feb. 11 @ 5PM to honor the students, hear about their trip and see any pictures they took. Please mark your calendar. More information about room location will be sent closer to the date.