Mandar Juvekar '22 Among Students Recognized by Computing Research Association

February 10, 2022

Mandar Juvekar, class of 2022, was recognized as an Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Undergarduate Research Award, presented by the Computing Research Association (CRA).

Mandar has gained extensive research experience as an dual major in computer science and mathematics, including:

  • a project in structural complexity theory with Lane Hemaspaandra, professor of computer science.
  • a project in natural language processing with Len Schubert, professor of computer science.
  • a math project at Caltech with Nets Katz, the IBM Professor of Mathematics, as part of the SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships) program.
  • ongoing research in combinatorics and other topics with Alex Iosevich, professor of mathematics. This included being both a participant and workshop leader in the Tripods REU.

Congratulations, Mandar!